Clinically excellent porcelain veneers are a product of many different factors. One of the most important for restorations is the quality of cementation.
In this post, Dr. Nosti expands on a tack and wave technique for cementation that he introduced first on the Clinical Mastery Series blog. Here, his procedure picks up after placing Systemp-D over the preps and blotting to dry.
by Dr. John Nosti
Cementation for Porcelain Veneers
…Now, Excite-F can be placed and polymerized on each restoration for 10 seconds. Place each veneer until all ten have been seated, beginning with the central incisors. Make sure to take care that the fit of the veneers is as good as it was during the try in phase.
Place a ‘tack’ tip, starting with the centrals, on the curing light. Then, tack every veneer into place by curing each tooth for about 1 or 2 seconds. Once this is done, replace the tack tip with a light cure tip, turning on the light and waving it over the front and back of the restorations for about 2 seconds per side.
At this point, the cement consistency should be set and gel-like. This enables easier removal, which can be done completely using a tool such as floss or scalers. After removing all excess cement, Liquid-strip can be placed over the margins to complete final polymerization.
It’s critical to also verify occlusion and make adjustments. This can be done with an occlusion analysis system that considers all excursive movements. The final steps are intended to close out the case and enhance the end result. Thus, the final polish should be completed.
Having a diagnostic wax-up and mock-up transfer enables a much more conservative porcelain veneer restoration overall. Minimally invasive dentistry is a great option for rebuilding worn dentition to optimum function and anterior guidance or creating a gorgeous smile for a patient.
When both the clinician and their lab are fully-versed in the essential guidelines, materials, and case selection for porcelain veneers, patients will be satisfied with stellar results that last many years.
What part of the cementation process do you find the most tricky for restorations and veneers? We’d love to hear from you in the comments!